
text based - letter

Dear Kim

Thanks for telling me that. Yes, I'd like to go. Red Stone is a British band who is famous for Rock music and wins lots of awards. This year, they planned to hold their concerts worldwide. How surprising me, they are coming here. It’ll be great if you can get the tickets this week. Because they're sold out very quickly, you'd better hurry up.

Shall we choose to stand? Most of their songs are Rock & Roll. During the concert, people will get higher and higher. They can't help singing and dancing in that atmosphere. So will you. I think it's not a good idea to meet at that time. There will be full of people waiting there. How about 6pm? We can have a drink before checking in.

Did you move out? Good choice. Your old one was too small to live in. Thanks for inviting me to stay. Otherwise, I need to think about where to go that night. If it's ok, I want to go to the museum next morning. Because I heard they had had real dinosaurs in their showroom. It really makes my curiosity.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

All the best.


text based- graphs summary

These graphs show the distribution of winnings spent between periods from 1992 to 2001.
By far the highest percentage of winning spent in 1992 and 1997 were cars. However, the number declined slightly for last several years, from 30% to 27%. Cars became the second popular in 2001. It is possible that cars become more and more affordable, so that people would rather spend the winning on the luxury items which normally they can’t afford. Although luxury items have fluctuated since 1992, it beat cars to be the most popular one in 2001.
Other transport remained the same at 2% in 1992 and 1997, which is the least of all, and rose by 1% in 2001. In contrast, living expenses increased slightly between 1992 and 1997, but dropped dramatically after 1997 to 2%. Thus, it became the least percentage of all. It is perhaps that people noticed about the changing policy and the unstable economy.
The number of second home has only risen gradually since 1992, but nearly doubled between 1997 and 2001. Comparing with extend travel and holiday, they increased a little between 1992 and 1997, but had fallen fairly sharply to 5% in 2001. It could be argued that more and more people own second home these days, and they might spend their holiday there. Another reason for a dramatic drop in 2001 might be affected by terrorism where happened in United States in 11th September 2001.
Over the last 9 years, there has been a shift away among the winnings spent. This reflects the recent standard of living and stable society which are most wanted.


Week 10 Text Blog Entry 8 - An Article About My Country in the international press

I found a news report in the Washington Post. The headline was about China, it may have cut some key import tariffs. I chose this article because I had found the economy between China and the USA is very complicated and interesting. After the high-level economic talks in Washington, Henry M. Paulson announced that they had made some important achievement the afternoon in the meeting, especially the agreement which can reduce the politically contentious trade deficit between the two countries and global warming. However, one of the most contentious issues, which were the value of China’s currency, was still suspended. America said that China was doing an unfair advantage on world markets. In the other side, China responded that the currency had increased since July 2005, but they admitted the currency was a little undervalued. Although the two countries reached some significant agreements, there were still more than a dozen of others needed to negotiate. America hoped to rebalance the economy in one or two years, but Paulson responded that the idea was preposterous.


Week 10, Oral Blog Entry 7 - Leture Summary 2

Are you ready to save someone? Dave Griffiths provided us with the basic knowledge about first aid in today's lecture. Some simple help may save a life. However, always remember if you want to save others, the first thing you need to do is save yourself. After that, check the person before you make the call. Use the basic techniques to help, talk to the person, tapping on their shoulders, lifting up their chins. If still not responding, go to the next level – heart pumping (CPR). Two breaths and thirty pushes make up the rhythm. The process could last ten to sixty minutes. Keep communicating with the person while you are in the process. Use the same method if they are teenagers or babies by reducing the pressure. It is free to call the ambulance in any emergency, but sometimes it may charge you a little. Be aware of heart attacks that happen in all ages or any other sorts of emergencies. Finally, use anything you can to help. Gain knowledge by doing a first aid course!

Week 5, Oral Blog Entry 2 - Film Review

"300” is the story of King Leonidas and the eponymous. Three hundred Spartan men who put their lives to defend their city form a half-million story force of Persian invaders. This is a violent action movie which tells about Vin Disel would always disarm the nuke in time. Although “300’s” storyline is regarded as the lack of complexity, the plot is not really important. Instead, the director mainly focuses on the emotional journeys of men facing the difficult situation. So it makes “300” worth watching. The violence sections can be seen through the eyes of the Spartans, who expressed the savage of their lives at the most end. And the most impressive part in the movie is the ecstasy of the battle. They use slow-motion to create a sequences and fluid scene. It is reported to be successful because of being full of rich and raw senses of sexuality. In the story, Leonidas loves his Queen and his soldiers, bringing the true heartbreak with each broken body in the Spartan ranks. Their target audiences are boys, but not entirely. It is said that Spartan is one of the best unmarketable graphic novels ever produced, and also it is a film that is accessible and truly heroic.


Week 7 Text Based Blog Entry 5 - My Break

During my Easter break, I had a one-day trip to Hamilton Garden in Hamilton. The natural environment was awesome. It covers an area of 58 Hectares at the Southern end of Hamilton City Council. I’ve been there several times and still can’t help visiting here again. We were very lucky to have a fine weather on that day, because it was supposed to be shower. “Fingers crossed” worked! We spent a bit more time walking around the beautiful landscape, breathing he fresh air and enjoying the lovely sunshine. After that, we lied around on the grass next to the lake, enjoying our yummy food, which included sandwiches, muffins and some fruits. We really had a good time on the rest of the afternoon. After seeing the beautiful sun set, we decided to make our way home. It was a different experience every time I had been there, and I was sure we would come back soon. I was looking forward to it.

Week 4, Text Based Blog Entry 2- Effects of Globalisation on My Life

Is globalisation a right wing thing? I doubt it. However, it does affect my lifestyle. Compare with a few years ago, now I can easily find a number of famous brands and logos in my home town which were hard to find in our country, including some top international brands. From the biggest hotel chains to the smallest luxuries, and I don’t even need to go overseas. Globalisation gradually enters my life and it become more and more widely use. When I need something, I always choose the brand I can count on. For this reason, famous brands and logos become my first choice. Analysing the whole situation, I realise that globalisation not only affects my past and present, but also has a big influence on my future. Because it pushes hard on the globe economy, the new technology has to back it up quickly. Thus Internet plays a significant role for that. In the coming future, I might talk to the person face to face without sitting in front of the monitor or doing the surgery ten miles away. Who knows! From my point of view, I think the bigger globalisation grows, the smaller the world will be.