
Week 7, Oral Blog Entry 4 - Picture Comparison

Both of these pictures are related to markets. The first one is of a bright, clean super market. The second one is of a local market which is full of people. As you can see from the first one, obviously it has a cleaner and better shopping environment. I think most people would like to spend their time looking around in such a comfortable place. Comparing the two pictures, I can say that the super market has more choices, and you may even find some kinds of goods that are not from local area. However, shopping in the local market also has benefits. Negotiating with the seller may help you to have a cheaper price for the same stock. I would probably choose the super market because of the better services and my poor negotiating skills. I'd rather pay a bit more to enjoy my shopping time. Although I know a lot of older people may prefer the local market that they are familiar with.

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