
Week 10, Oral Blog Entry 7 - Leture Summary 2

Are you ready to save someone? Dave Griffiths provided us with the basic knowledge about first aid in today's lecture. Some simple help may save a life. However, always remember if you want to save others, the first thing you need to do is save yourself. After that, check the person before you make the call. Use the basic techniques to help, talk to the person, tapping on their shoulders, lifting up their chins. If still not responding, go to the next level – heart pumping (CPR). Two breaths and thirty pushes make up the rhythm. The process could last ten to sixty minutes. Keep communicating with the person while you are in the process. Use the same method if they are teenagers or babies by reducing the pressure. It is free to call the ambulance in any emergency, but sometimes it may charge you a little. Be aware of heart attacks that happen in all ages or any other sorts of emergencies. Finally, use anything you can to help. Gain knowledge by doing a first aid course!

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