
Week 5, Text Based Blog Enrty 3 - Book Review

Title: I, Robot

Author: Harlan Ellison & Isaac Asimov

Plot: The story is about Susan Calvin, a robot psychologist, who explores and study robotics for her whole life. A reporter named Bratenahl is asked to find out about who was this secretive woman. Bratenahl does his research on Susan Calvin, so he talks to the people she worked with in the past. To his surprise, he finds out Susan had a robot as her part-time playmate when she was six. Following this evidence, he discovers her father worked for US Robotics and arranged a robot to live with them. However, her mother considered that it was too dangerous to have a seven-foot-tall robot at home with Susan. Thus, the robot was sent away permanently one day. Priority information with his findings is the rules which are set for robot, called “Three Laws of Robotics” are running in an unexpected way. This may cause a serious danger to all the human beings. Another secret is about the time Susan took part in a manned mission to Mercury, and how she almost died by fixing a temporarily cuckoo robot who had received unclear instructions, and finally helped the ship to leave Mercury and return to the Earth.

Writing style: Science Fiction


Susan Calvin – Legendary robopsychologist
Alfred Larning – Mechanical Man
Robert Bratenahl – Journalist

Overall impression/ recommendation:

Suspendful, logical and touching.
Highly recommend.

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