
Week 8, Text Based Blog Entry 6 - Domestic News Headlines

New drug trial gives hope to couples suffering recurrent miscarriages. Here is the link to the full article. The research is taken in New Zealand, England and Scotland. The studies show using a combination of asprin and heparin can help women to have more succeful prenancies than those who do not receive any. It also shows it would be benifical to combine these two. Isabella, now six-month-old, is a successful example. Mrs Capunitan said the new drug had offered her hope after 3 miscarriages. And she believes the drug combination was the key aspect for her pregnancy. Now, there are five New Zealand women involved in the testing. The results suggest the drug takes positive effects on them. If the testing can be proved successful, it could help up to 300 women in all three countries. The researchers hope to have definitive results in the coming year.

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